Surprise a week early! We got our chromosomal testing results and 3 out of the 4 embryos sent were normal! See above the pics of the embryos if you are interested. From here I have some more testing this and next month to ensure there wont be any hiccups with transfer. They will look inside the uterus to see if there are any abnormalities and even do a trial transfer before the big day! Due to the nature of the woman's cycle, travel plans (haha you know me), testing etc we are looking at a mid August transfer. It takes 6 weeks of meds to build the lining of the uterus to get ready for the pregnancy and I will start those in July. We are SO excited! We have also confirmed with the embryologist that we have at least one of each sex. However we have chosen to let them pick the best one for transfer so we wont know the sex at implantation. We actually aren't going to find out the sex until birth! Gotta keep you all on your toes! My family already has bets on the sex of each embryo and which one they think they will implant first! Feel free to comment your bets! God has really taught me through all of this that I am not in control. So I am slowly learning to let go. The extent to which George and I have grown during this process has been amazing! See you back in August for an update!