Saturday, August 19, 2017

Okay this is starting to get real! T- 6 days until transfer! So I had an ultrasound on Monday to check the lining of my uterus and it was only 5.3mm which was a little thin so they increased my estrogen to thicken it up! Have I mentioned that I feel AMAZING when my estrogen is high? So I wasn't to upset about this! Lol I was super anxious to go to my appointment yesterday for a repeat ultrasound to see if the change had worked (I had also started some self fertility massage I was prescribed by Dr. Google 😜). The lining needs to be between 7-8mm for transfer and at my ultrasound yesterday all of the measurements were greater than 7mm!!! Needless to say I was relieved!

I start on the Progesterone shots on Sunday and will continue until I am 12 weeks pregnant. I am SO not looking forward to these! They are suspended in oil so it's super thick and like injecting olive oil into your glute! I have been frantically searching the internet to find ways to make these shots more manageable and so far what I have come up with is to heat the bottle before drawing up the medicine with body heat or a heating pad, use topical lidocaine to numb the area an hour before the shot, and massaging the area for 5 min after each injection to avoid knots. Looks like I need get up a little earlier than usual from now on to make are I have time for all these steps! Lol

I am scheduled for the transfer next Friday 8/25 at 1:30pm! Prayers that day are much appreciated! I will then have bloodwork 5, 10, and 13 days after to monitor my hormone levels and confirm the pregnancy! Even though I will be considered PUPO (Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise), I still have a two week wait to get the official confirmation! 

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Officially on FET day #3! Transfer is scheduled for FET day#16 (August 26th). I have now been on an injection called Lupron for 15 days and started estrogen 2 days ago.  I have both pills and patches of estrogen to take. I was so worried about the Lupron because I was told that I would have a pretty bad headache until I started the estrogen but I really only had a headache for 2-3 days and it was mild enough not to take medications. I was also supposed to have hot flashes which I did not have but ironically enough those started the last few days after starting the estrogen. The Lupron shots have been NOTHING! They don't hurt a bit unlike the blood thinner shots (Lovenox). My mood has been good! I HAVE been a little quicker to anger mostly at George for silly things but he has been a trooper and hasn't taken too much offense lol! I went in for an ultrasound and bloodwork 2 days ago and they were checking to make sure the lining of the uterus was thin and my estrogen was low. Everything looked great! My next check is Monday (FET day #5)! 8 days until the Progesterone shots and I am NOT looking forward to those! EEEK!