Monday, September 4, 2017

My blood pregnancy test today was positive!! I almost can't even believe it. It feels like its too good to be true! I am 4 weeks and 1 day today and the baby is due on Mother Day next year! May 13, 2018. The level today was 155 which the nurse said is a great starting number. I have to recheck on Thursday and as long as its rising my next check will be an ultrasound at 7 weeks! Its funny because for the last week I have seriously cried over every little thing. I'm not normally crier! I cant even remember the last time I cried before this lol. I have also been getting some nausea about 3 hours after breakfast each day. If I eat something I feel better-- but the crazy thing is I actually have been ENJOYING the nausea! It kinda makes this all feel real and I welcome every single pregnancy symptom.

I never posted a blog about the transfer because I was a little preoccupied so ill talk about it here. It was seriously the coolest thing! I wish I would have video taped it. An hour before the procedure I had to drink 32 ounces of water and take a Valium (honestly I wish I would have skipped that part!) Do you know how hard it is to hold a full bladder when you have been given a drug that relaxes your muscles!!!! By the time we arrived which was 30 min before the procedure I thought I was going to die! The embryologist came in and told us which embryo they had chosen. #1. Then he asked if we knew the sex to which we replied that we did not. Then he said " Do you WANT to know the sex"!!! Gosh that was tempting! But we said no. We have decided to keep it a surprise for the birth! We haven't had any surprises this whole process so we are super excited for this. Besides as long as the baby is healthy I am going to be the happiest mother ever!! So anyway I was literally standing on one foot with my legs crossed at this point and couldnt even stand up strait I had to pee so bad! The ultrasound tech took me back and told me my bladder was too full (YA THINK!?) and she allowed me to let out 3/4 of a cup which which was marked so I didnt go over. You might think it would have been hard to stop but I was SO relieved after just letting that much out I felt like a new woman! Sorry if that's TMI haha. Anyway we got to watch on a big screen under a microscope where the embryologist sucked up the little embryo into a catheter in the otehr room and then transported it to our room. On the ultrasound machine we could see the catheter inserted and then he just like shot it in there! It just showed up as a white little dot on the ultrasound! It was seriously the coolest thing I have ever seen! We left and went home and I pretty much laid on the couch for my 2 days of "modified bedrest" which is harder to do than you think!

And here we are!! I plan to continue this blog at certain milestones so follow along if you want to keep up with my journey! Thank you so much to each and everyone of you for all of your love and support!

1 comment:

  1. This is such awesome news and I love hearing about what all you are going through. This will also means so much to your baby when she or he gets old enough to know what is going on.
