Friday, March 17, 2017

Guess what today is!? Its trigger day!! This means I will give myself a shot tonight that will start the process for egg retrieval! It will take 36 hours for the eggs to mature after the shot is given so its very time sensitive. I have 25 follicles that are developing and we are anticipating at least 10 eggs at retrieval but probably more which is great :-) So Sunday is the big day. I will have the surgical procedure at 10am so I will try to post on here an update before that. Im still doing well- just a pretty bad headache which I am thinking is because I had to take one of my injections early today that I was taking at bedtime- so maybe the nighttime dose has been sparing me of side effects since I am usually asleep after them. The nurse said I will feel pretty uncomfortable for about 10 days after the retrieval so we will see how it goes!


  1. I'm sure things will be fine but still praying regardless.

  2. Praying for you. Love you. YOU GOT THIS sweetie! Love Mom
