Friday, March 10, 2017

Welcome to my new blog!

No one ever PLANS to deal with infertility. We spend our whole lives trying NOT to get pregnant; using protection, setting an alarm to remember to take your pill.  People don't really talk about infertility. Its kinda tabu. And when you find yourself facing infertility it can be lonely, scary, and down right depressing. I am sharing this blog to share my experiences, hoping that if you are now, or one day find yourself dealing with infertility you will have some support and know you are not alone. Maybe thats not you, maybe you got pregnant quickly and never faced any problems. This blog is for you too. For you to have compassion for the friends of yours who may be going through something like this even if they haven't shared it with you yet.

I was sitting in a fertility class the other day and they read off the statistic that 1 in 3 couples today are facing infertility, ONE IN THREE. Does that not blow your mind? There are varying opinions as to why this is so. Is it because women are waiting longer to have children than in the past? Is it due to the antibiotics, hormones, and pesticides that are found in our foods? (Yall know that's my theory lol) This is more common than we think because people don't talk about it! There are many different causes of infertility; PCOS, blocked fallopian tubes, male factor infertility, diminished ovarian reserve, unexplained infertility and the list goes on and on. It doesn't really matter what the CAUSE of infertility is, it takes the SAME emotional toll on everyone who has gone through it.

For some reason, I almost always knew I would have trouble getting pregnant. Its like God was preparing me since I was young. I didn't have a medical diagnosis that led me to believe that, I didnt have any reason to think this would be the case but for some reason it has always been there, like a thought that was stored away for a later date. As if having it in the back of my mind would somehow make it less painful if I had to deal with it in reality. Our pastor did a sermon in 2014 on infertility. I wasn't even married yet and had never tried to become pregnant but I sure did take notes during that sermon and I even kept a copy for future reference.

For me this has been an almost 2 year journey. During that time I have met many people, friends and acquaintances, that have been dealing with infertility as well. At first I was reluctant to share this with anyone. Pretty much my mom and my best friend knew, that's about it. I was scared to tell anyone else. Gradually along the way I started to open up to people around me, other family members and people at work etc. Maybe it was because I got sick of people always asking me when I was going to get pregnant (more on this another day!), or maybe it was because I slowly realized that going through this alone was not the answer. We NEED support as human beings. So maybe this blog will be support for YOU, or maybe you reading this will be support for me. Who knows, but we are going through this journey together! Thanks for joining.

Here is where I am in this journey. Today I have started my hormone injections for IVF! This is a 10-12 day process and at the end the docs will surgically remove all of the eggs that have been stimulated to inject them with sperm and try to grow a baby! I feel like I am strapped to a roller coaster and we are inclining- there is no way off now!


  1. Thank you so much for sharing this. I have known friends in the past that have gone through this and I can only IMAGINE the roller coaster ride of emotions that it must be. Praying for you always.

  2. Praying for you and George. God's God this! You are very brave and I think this will help a lot of people.

  3. ARGH I went through all that trouble and thought my post actually POSTED the other day... LOL Oh well. I wonder if I can get these notes up there? If so, I will comment periodically. If not... well, you will never know Bahahaha! Love you baby!

    1. It did post... lol you commented on another post last time 🤣
