Saturday, March 11, 2017

Holy meds! So today is day number 2 of these crazy hormones! I am currently taking a shot of one medication in the morning and another med at night in addition to the blood thinner shot I am on since I have a blood clotting disorder and these medications increase your estrogen. I was really worried about the side effects of these meds and I was told that pretty much I WILL experiance the following side effects (nausea, abdominal pain, headache, weight gain, and emotional lability).... sounds like a great time doesn't it lol! So how am I feeling Day 2 of these meds? Somehow for some insane reason I have a CRAZY amount of energy! It's the weirdest thing? I always have the side effect of things making me tired but with this I feel like I drank a ton of caffiene! I'm not sure if this will last as I can't find it on a side effect profile anywhere and the blogs I searched on google (YES I'm the annoying patient who googles) say that most people have lots of fatigue with the meds. Maybe I'm just on high because I am getting this process started but as of right now I feel GREAT! I pray this will continue :)


  1. "Week 1
    Day 1 (first day of period) to Day 7
    Estrogen rises

    During this week of your cycle, estrogen starts out at rock-bottom and begins a steady climb. Once you get past the achy, fatiguing part of your period, this rise in estrogen will be boosting your energy, mood, optimism and brain skills. It also makes you chattier and pushes you to connect with others both socially and romantically." (I googled too! "energy level and menstrual cycle hormones")

    1. Makes total since... it's the effects of the elevated estrogen!

  2. I know that you may experience some, none or all known side effects but just remember that God can bypass all of these. This is going to be a Great experience for you I completely believe it!

  3. That's right!!! I'm believing God for minimal side effects and a great outcome!
